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Showing posts from December, 2018

DevOps and the North Pole

T’was a month before Christmas on the pipeline, not a heart was beating not even mine. For the product owner there is work to be “DONE”, so into the “Sprint Log” the work has begun! ­­­­ On Dasher! On Prancer (Development Deer) - QA and Security, they are all here. Red hats worn by all and only one “White”; The teams almost ready, so don’t you fright. When what to my wondering eyes should appear, a massive build from the Ops Engineer! This today, that tomorrow, “Fail Fast” and learn there is no sorrow! Ho Ho Ho! A jolly Scrum Master appears; impediments removed we all give a cheer! Ops leads the way with their nose shining bright; we are agile and fast and we’re out of site! Off with a flash, then “deer-to-deer” review”; here comes the surprise, it's coming to YOU. We stand all amazed and straight is our gaze.  The Christmas tree stands all tall and bright; its branches are massive and covered with lights!  On top is a star that streams long bright...

Certified Process Design Engineer (CPDE)

There are many frameworks and standards that define best practices for achieving quality IT service management (ITSM) - ITIL, ISO/IEC 20000, COBIT, CMMI, DevOps, Knowledge-Centered Support, etc. While each describes processes and controls (what to do), none provide clear, step-by-step methods and techniques for actually designing, re-engineering, and improving processes (how to do it). IT organizations must not only do the right things, but they must also do the right things right. CPDE takes a practical step-by-step approach to developing and implementing ITSM processes across the entire lifecycle of IT services. It ensures integration with project and program management and the application and software development processes as well. Allowing for strategic, tactical, and operational alignment across the entire organization. CPDE is well suited to utilize these different best practices and additionally play a significant role in the DevOps movement that is taking hold in IT organiza...

Inclusion – Required for DevOps Continuous Delivery Pipeline

As a noun, the official definition of the word inclusion is defined as the state of being included or being made a part of something. When a book covers many different ideas and subjects, it is an example of the inclusion of many ideas. When multiple people are all invited to be part of a group, this is an example of the inclusion of many different people. There are many certification classes available for DevOps, Agile, and ITSM. All of them will speak of Inclusion. When considering inclusion in a DevOps Continuous Delivery Pipeline, service providers frequently miss the inclusion of some very necessary elements. In order to ensure real value, and cost-effective solutions fast, it is back to basics. Consider the inclusion of the following: Best Practices and Methodologies: These are the answers for how to. It is not just one best practice, methodology, or standard that will get you there. “There” is where you are trying to go. Consider methods such as DevOps, ITSM, Agile, Lean, an...