What is a new moon? It is the phase of the moon where the moon is rising but not yet visible from the earth. For us, a new moon is definitely rising. It may not be visible but it is definitely here with BYOD, virtualization, shadow IT and cloud computing. And that moon is demanding that we examine our practices in order to improve Time to Value. You may have heard a lot about the cultural and collaborative movement called DevOps. Some service providers are making the DevOps vision a reality by focusing on improving their cadence - the rhythmic flow of something as it moves forward, such as software development or complex projects. Agile service management and DevOps strive to improve the cadence between three main players in the value stream: Cadence of the Business Business demand is dynamic and the rate of speed is increasing. The business needs a cadence that is able to meet their accelerated requirements. Jayne Groll in a rec...