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Showing posts with the label Agile Manifesto

How to Move and SHIFT the CULTURE!

There are three core frameworks that can help us to shift the way we think, do work, and ultimately shape the behaviors and values that are the heartbeat of our organizations - CULTURE! Each of these models can be used to identify, analyze, and move an organization to new heights, new ways of collaborating and increasing speed and value for service consumers. Models for learning how to "Shift the Culture!” Erickson Model – Identifies the stages of psychosocial development  The Erickson Model helps as a starting point for “Where are we now?”. Westrum Model – Focus here is on the organizational types :  - Pathological  - Bureaucratic  - Generative  The Westrum Model helps providers get detail on the behaviors within their organization and teams.  Laloux’s Culture Model – Frederic Laloux’s model provides a clear picture of how culture may evolve in an organization. Laloux expands the concepts of the two previous models. ...

Thoughts on People and Process

The “ Agile Manifesto ” states that “We value Individuals and Interactions over processes and tools”.  What? Some have taken that statement and interpreted it to mean that when it comes to design and development … “No Process” is required!  In fact if we look further in the manifesto we see clearly that the value of process and tools is indeed recognized.  The manifesto is trying to impart the importance of people and interactions.  If we have a brilliant process that is defined and documented and yet drop the ball when it comes to people and interaction we will surely miss the mark every time.  Therefore, while there is value in process and in tools service providers must value the people and interaction with them more. In her book titled “The ITSM Process Design Guide” Donna Knapp stresses the importance of “Just Enough Process”.  When designing ITSM processes such as Service Level Mgmt, Change Mgmt, Incident Mgmt and others, service providers could ...

Visible Ops & Agile Service Management

I highly recommend The Visible Ops Handbook by Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford. There are a lot of intersections between Visible Ops (VisOps) and being Agile.  In fact, following Visible Ops practices allows you to achieve an Agile perspective in a shorter time scale.  There is an area in particular where I think alignment between VisOps and Agile is very strong. One of the four tenets of the Agile Manifesto is that we value “Responding to change”.  This is further underpinned by the principle “Welcome changing requirements, even late in development”.   Agile processes harness change for the customer’s competitive advantage.   This also ties us to the goal and objective of Agile Service Management in “Improving IT’s entire ability to meet customer requirements faster”. Responding to change does not equate to bypassing process or controls.  Every business decision triggers an IT event.  Industry statistics tell us that 8...

Agile Service Management – Techniques and Methods

Most of us are aware that Agile can be used to improve the effectiveness and efficiency needed for software development.  Agile core values and principles are defined in the Agile Manifesto . But wait!  There is more! While there are many techniques, methods and frameworks that can be utilized to ensure agility within your organization, what is important to note is that they can and should be expanded beyond software development.   Agile Values are realized via many different techniques and methods including: Continuous integration - A software development practice where: Members of a team code separately but integrate their work at least daily Each integration goes through an automated build and test to detect errors and defects The team collectively builds the software faster with less risk Continuous delivery - Continuous delivery does not infer that you are deploying every day or every hour. It means that you COULD release when needed....

Agile Service Management – Roles and Responsibilities

Agile Development is an umbrella term for several iterative and incremental de velopment   methodologies.  In order to achieve Agile Development, organizations will adopt frameworks and methodologies such as SCRUM and LEAN. Being Agile and using SCRUM, LEAN and other methodologies in development is good!  What happens when development starts adopting this culture and becomes more agile and begins to move faster and leaner than ever before, only to come up against laborious and bureaucratic change management and Service Operation processes?  One example that I heard lately is that it is like pushing more and more paper into a printer and expecting it to print faster!   It doesn’t work! The Agile Principles and the  Agile Manifesto  are applicable beyond software development. Therefore, service providers not only need Agile Development we also need to adopt Agile principles throughout the entire Design, Transition, and Operation life...

Agile Principles & ITIL

Underlying and supporting the  Agile Manifesto  are the twelve principles that help to bring the Agile philosophy to life. The DevOps movement encourages us to adopt and adapt these principles into the ITIL lifecycle not to reinvent it, but to allow us to make it spin faster.  Let’s take a look at them individually and interpret them from an ITIL, operational and support perspective. Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer.   We do this through early and continuous delivery of the proper utility & warranty. Welcome changes, even late in development, by using well defined and nimble change, release and deployment management, teams and models, allowing our customers to remain competitive in their given market spaces. Deliver updated working services frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. OK that one I modified a bit. We’ll   be Agile about it. Business people and IT must work t...