Keeping it Simple is one step towards creating a world where people get up in the morning and are inspired to go to work and love to do the work that they do. The more complex something is, the more there are ways for it to go wrong. We as an industry of service providers must become educated and stop the insanity! Getting the education and the certification is a wonderful first step but once qualified we must adapt those learnings to make it simple and “Keep IT Simple” “Keep it Simple”, one of the seven ITIL 4 Guiding Principles is a topic we have written about many times over the years. It is anything but simple. We must acknowledge that IT services are comprised of many complex systems and if there is a way to make them even more complex IT Professionals in general seem to have that idea down to an ART. So; How did we get that way. Business requirements are dynamic and are consistently evolving even as you read this line. Over a period of y...