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Showing posts from 2023

Maximizing Training Value: How to Get the Most From Your Organization's Training Investment

In the ever-evolving landscape of business, investing in employee training is a crucial step toward maintaining competitiveness and fostering growth. However, it's essential to ensure that your organization's training dollar spend translates into meaningful outcomes and lasting benefits. In this blog, we will explore effective strategies to help your organization extract the maximum value from its training investments. ITSM Academy, Founder and CIO, Lisa Schwartz, recently presented a webinar on this topic, with practical advice about maximizing your investment once the decision has been made to conduct training - watch here Align Training with Business Goals: The foundation of a successful training initiative lies in its alignment with your organization's strategic objectives. Before investing in any training program, carefully assess how it contributes to key business goals such as improved performance, increased sales, or enhanced customer satisfaction. When training is...

ITIL 4 and the New Requirement to Recertify

ITIL ® has long been one of the few professional certifications that did not require holders to re-certify or perform any sort of continuing education to maintain the credential. As of January 2023, that changed. Under PeopleCert's new Continuing Professional Development (CPD) program, individuals who hold certain credentials are now required to recertify or record professional development points to keep their certifications in good standing.   PeopleCert , the sole examination institute of ITIL, has designed this program to help candidates show their commitment to continuing professional development and be able to stay ahead in a competitive labor market. By recertifying, individuals can demonstrate their understanding and up-to-date knowledge of best practices to support professional development. Beginning January 2023, all Global Best Practice certifications will need to be renewed after three years. Here are answers to some of the questions you may have: Which certificatio...

Invest in Our Planet

By Donna Knapp For more than 50 years, billions of people around the globe have celebrated Earth Day every April 22nd. When Earth Day was first introduced in 1970 there were no legal or regulatory mechanisms to protect our environment. Today there are more but there is still work to do. This year’s theme, ‘Invest in Our Planet’, reminds us that businesses, governments, and each of us individually are equally responsible for protecting our increasingly fragile planet and adopting more sustainable practices. ITSM professionals are in a unique position to contribute to a green, prosperous, and equitable future. A great first step is to look at how we can minimize and manage e-waste. According to the United Nations E-Waste Monitor report, it is estimated that 53.6 million metric tons of e-waste are produced every year worldwide. Only about 17 percent of this waste is properly collected, documented, and recycled. Much of the remaining 83 percent of e-waste sits idle in homes and businesse...

Misunderstood and Misused - A Rant About Problem Management

By Donna Knapp It’s interesting to see how members of different communities can view a practice so differently. That is currently the case with problem management, the practice of identifying, removing, or mitigating the cause or contributing factors to service disruptions. For the most part, the IT service management (ITSM) community recognizes the value of problem management. They may admittedly struggle to find the time or resources needed to perform the practice. Or they may find it difficult to justify the actions needed to introduce permanent solutions identified as a result of the practice. But they, for the most part, value the practice. Conversely, some members of the DevOps community view problem management, or more specifically, root cause analysis, as a complete waste of time. We’ve found that there are a few common reasons that on the surface make sense, but that have counterpoints worth considering. One reason for the pushback is that the practice of root cause analysis i...

Focusing on the Fundamentals

By Donna Knapp Have you ever done business with an organization that liked to brag about all the extras that it provides, but doesn’t get the basics right? To some extent, the accelerated innovation that was sparked by the pandemic fueled this need to focus on the new and shiny. And for some organizations, it is what’s needed to stand out in the crowd, or to compete, or simply to survive. But here is what we know. All the new and shiny in the world can’t make up for a poor customer experience. You cannot sacrifice quality for speed. And a perk here and there can’t overcome the lack of trust that builds up when an organization fails to get the basics right day in and day out. So, what we’ve got to do is strike a balance. A feat that is easier said than done. According to the 2022 State of CIO report, 76% of CIOs say that it’s challenging to find the right balance between business innovation and operational excellence. And yet it is exactly what organizations today need to do… C. All of ...