By Donna Knapp You have signed up for a certification class. What that tells us is that you want to pass the exam. But first, you have to take the exam. Here are a few things that we know. The most successful people are those who take the exam within the first 10 days after the class. Once upon a time students took their exam at the end of class or at the end of a semester. They knew ahead of time when they were going to have to take the exam and prepared accordingly. Today, courses often come with vouchers that enable learners to take the exam at a date and time of their choosing. There are pros and cons to this. A pro is that if you are a night owl and want to take your exam at 2 a.m., you can. A BIG con is that you can put off taking the exam. What we see statistically is that the further away from the end of class we get, the lower the scores, and the less likely it is that people will ever take the exam at all. You are never in the zone more than you are in the days immediately f...