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Showing posts with the label Change Evaluation

Why RCV?

I was recently asked the following: “I want to take the “Release, Control and Validation” (RCV) class.  As a Release Manager, I know it will help but I need to justify this for my manager.  What is the value of taking this class?” Every organization can be effective with release and deployments.  What is needed today is for us not only to get the job done but to do it efficiently.  Efficiency infers that we deliver value, but that we design and deliver services, BETTER, MORE, FASTER THAN EVER BEFORE and at the same time we are being COST effective. The role of Release Manager, although it is central to the release and deployment process, is much broader in scope than many organizations or managers realize.  This role in Best Practice is separate from Change Manager and from the actual Validation and Testing Manager or even the Change Evaluation role.   Frequently these roles will be assigned to one or more persons.  It does not mean that you have to open several new req's

Change Evaluation

I often get asked where change evaluation takes place.  Isn’t it part of change management?  It is a separate process however it is driven by change management and is triggered by the receipt of a request for evaluation from Change Management. Inputs come from several processes including the SDP and SAC from Design Coordination, change proposal from SPM, RFCs, change records and detailed change documentation from Change Management.  It holds discussions with stakeholders through SLM and BRM, testing results from service validation and testing to ensure that its members have a full understanding of the impact of any issues identified and that the proper risk assessments can be carried out against the overall changes and in particular the predicted performance, intended effects, unintended effects and actual performance once the service change has been implemented. The purpose of change evaluation is to provide a uniform and structured means of determining the performance of a