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When Change Management and ServiceNow Policies Conflict

I was recently asked this question... "Say an RFC is submitted between Mon - Fri and the CAB is on a Tuesday the following week. We are finding the following issues. 1. The approvals within the ServiceNow workflow have not been approved by individuals within the RFC workflow, for example, the architecture or security team. 2. Due to a delay in approvals not being actioned by individuals by the time of the weekly CAB the change implementation dates need to be postponed and rescheduled until all approvals have been completed and change Comms sent out. How can the above 2 issues be addressed?" Addressing the issues related to the approval delays in the change management process could involve several strategies: Improving Approval Turnaround Time Automated Reminders and Escalations Automated Reminders : Configure ServiceNow to send automated reminders to approvers at set intervals. These reminders should escalate in urgency the closer it gets to the CAB meeting. Escalation Path :

Confessions of a Change Manager

By Donna Knapp   At one point in my career, I was a change manager. I ran my company’s change advisory board (CAB), and I spent endless hours trying to convince project managers to submit requests for change (RFCs). Despite my best efforts, I invariably had to explain, fairly often, that ‘poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency change on mine.’ At that time, the change manager role was one of the many hats that I wore. My ‘real’ job was service desk manager. We called it a ‘hotline’ then and so yes… it was many, many years ago. In that role, I and my team saw the impact of poorly executed and failed changes. We dealt every Monday morning with the chaos that came out of the massive changes made over the weekend. That was then. Since then, much has changed. But it was through that lens that, more than 10 years ago, I first started researching a movement in the IT industry called DevOps. At the time, it was early days for DevOps and individuals and organizations were s

The New Four Ps of Service Management

By Donna Knapp For years, people , process , and technology (PPT) was a widely recognized framework for balancing and integrating the components needed to achieve optimal performance and outcomes. In the ITIL v3 Service Design publication, this framework was expanded to the four Ps: people , processes , products , and partners . ITIL 4 has further expanded and evolved this framework to the four dimensions of service management. These four dimensions are collectively critical to the effective and efficient facilitation of value for customers and other stakeholders in the form of products and services. The four dimensions of service management are: Organizations and people Information and technology Partners and suppliers Value streams and processes. These four dimensions represent perspectives which are relevant to the whole service value system (SVS), including the entirety of the service value chain and all ITIL practices. Each ITIL practice is a set of organizational resources base

5 Reasons Organizations Should Invest in ITIL 4

Investing in ITIL 4 is widely recognized as a strategic advantage for organizations aiming to enhance their service management capabilities. With its modern, flexible, and customer-centric approach, ITIL 4 provides the tools and practices needed to thrive in a dynamic and complex IT environment. Based on conversations with high-performing organizations, we compiled five compelling reasons why organizations should invest in ITIL 4: 1. Enhanced Agility and Flexibility In a rapidly changing business environment, the ability to adapt quickly is vital. ITIL 4 is designed to provide organizations with the agility needed to respond to new opportunities and challenges. How ITIL 4 Helps : Service Value System (SVS): ITIL 4 introduces the SVS, which provides a holistic approach to service management, ensuring flexibility and quick adaptation to changing business needs. Guiding Principles : The framework’s guiding principles, such as “focus on value,” “start where you are,” and “progress iterati

ITIL 4 Change Enablement: Streamlining Your IT Service Management

Change Enablement is a practice within the ITIL 4 framework that focuses on managing changes to IT services, systems, and infrastructure in a controlled and efficient manner. The primary goal is to minimize the negative impact of changes while maximizing their benefits. This involves assessing, authorizing, and overseeing changes to ensure they are implemented smoothly and successfully. The Importance of Change Enablement Change Enablement is a critical practice for managing the complexities of IT service management. By adopting a structured approach to change, organizations can minimize risks, ensure business continuity, and remain agile in the face of new challenges.  1. Risk Mitigation : Uncontrolled changes can lead to service disruptions, security breaches, and compliance issues. Change Enablement ensures that all changes are carefully evaluated and authorized, reducing the likelihood of negative outcomes. 2. Business Continuity : By managing changes effectively, organizations can

From Fear to Focus: Strategies for Overcoming Exam Anxiety

In part 1 of this series – From Fear to Focus: Acknowledging the Reality of Exam Anxiety – we explored the universal experience of exam anxiety and its contributors. We described the interconnected nature of these contributors, and how peoples’ experiences with exam anxiety are based on their own unique beliefs and triggers. Identifying the personal beliefs and behaviors that contribute to exam anxiety is an essential first step. Taking this step allows individuals to begin developing strategies for facing exams with confidence. Strategies for Overcoming Exam Anxiety While the strategies that follow are loosely aligned with the contributors described in part 1 of this series, like the contributors they are all interconnected and so can all be applied as needed. Feeling unprepared: Get to know the syllabus. The course syllabus outlines the expected learning outcomes, what source material(s) the exam is based on, and the exam format (duration, types of questions, etc.). This cl

Virtual Classrooms WORK for YOU - the LEARNER!

Attending a quality online Instructor-Led Virtual Classroom  allows you, the learner, to immerse in material that is presented in a fun, practical manner.  This is NOT a Webinar! This is NOT an e-learning self-paced computerized course.  You are not on your own!  Instructor-Led Virtual Classrooms allow you to :  Learn online with a live experienced instructor. Interact in group discussions and activities with others in the class. Engage your instructor with ongoing Q and A throughout. Listen to or share real-world examples. Participate in analyzing sample exam questions with the instructor.  Collaborate with chat, open mic, polls, and other interactive tools – VOIP or phone!  Learn from; review sessions, videos, workbook activities, study aids, Reference Cards, and more! Benefits Include: Take a class at your home or office – more time for you and yours! Receive materials online – no shipping.  No travel, no TSA, stay safe and self-distanced!  Less overhead, redu

From Fear to Focus: Acknowledging the Reality of Exam Anxiety

By Donna Knapp Exams have a way of making even the most prepared students feel nervous and anxious. The ticking clock, the pressure to perform, and the fear of failure, can all combine to make even the most confident student feel overwhelmed. Exam anxiety is a universal experience that affects students of all ages and backgrounds. Understanding its causes and learning how to overcome its hold can enable individuals to face exams with confidence. Acknowledging the Reality of Exam Anxiety We will explore strategies for overcoming exam anxiety in part 2 of this series but let us first acknowledge that it is normal and even okay to feel some stress before an exam. It is a sign that you care and that you want to do your best. In this case, what you are experiencing is eustress, a type of stress that is viewed as positive or beneficial. It is what propels us to learn and improve. It is what drives us towards a desired goal, even if getting there is a challenge. Conversely, the stress associa

Making a Business Case for Sustainability in Digital and IT

How well-prepared are organizations to start their sustainability journey in digital and IT? It’s often difficult to start, either through a lack of awareness about the problem or engaging in too much talk and little action. However, with a greater understanding of how sustainability will make organizations’ and other people’s lives better – while supporting their business goals – we realize that it’s a problem to solve now, not in the future. Equally, many companies associate sustainability only with reducing greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. But there are three sustainability pillars: social, environmental, and economic. And there are numerous areas connected to each pillar: e-waste, responsible sourcing, digital poverty, fair salaries and digital carbon footprint – topics that still surprise many business leaders. ITIL® 4: Sustainability in Digital and IT is a professional guidance to help digital organizations start with sustainability. The book follows the steps of the

ITIL 4 Master – ITIL Mastery can lift a practitioner’s skills to a new level

Donna Knapp is the curriculum development manager for ITSM Academy, where she is responsible for  the development of ITIL course content. By her own admission, it’s a role that indulges her love of learning and passion for sharing her knowledge with others. Gaining the ITIL 4 Master designation is an unexpected outcome to the career path Donna Knapp first set out on. However, she now realizes it’s the culmination of her ITIL journey.  “Early in my career, I was the IT liaison for my organization’s Lean initiatives. At the time, I wasn’t aware of ITIL . Instead, we used IBM’s IT service management framework.” Donna said. “The IBM philosophy was well respected in the IT industry at that time, and dovetailed much of what I was doing in terms of designing and improving our IT service delivery and support processes.” “IBM went on to contribute to the birth of ITIL and by 2005 I was using ITIL as a consultant and educator,” Donna explained. “As I look back, I appreciate that this was the st