Currently, 68% of organizations have begun to adopt or plan to adopt #DevOps within the next two years. If you are reading this because you want to embrace DevOps certification, knowledge and skills be sure to visit the DevOps Campus . This is all about DevOps skills? Are you ready? DevOps Institute recently generated a very unique and interesting report titled “UPSKILLING: Enterprise DevOps Skills Report”. Below are a few excerpts with some thoughts added. Soft skills and technical skills “There is an equal balance between those who look for soft skills and those who seek technical skills when hiring externally or internally. About 30% of survey respondents said they look for soft skills first, as they believe they can always train or educate on the process and technical skills. And 32% looked first for technical skills to get benefits from the new hire. Thoughts: It’s easy to become absorbed in a need for technical knowledge. Although that is required it is really the peo...