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Showing posts from November, 2019

ITIL® 4 vs. 'The Source'​

Part of ITIL 4 ’s value proposition is that it embraces newer ways of working, such as Agile, Lean and DevOps. I was recently asked whether there was a compelling argument for individuals to go to ITIL for information about these approaches, vs. going to ‘the source’. Here’s my answer and I’d love to hear yours. 3) What source? Yes. There is a massive amount of information available about these topics. There are many ‘definitive’ sources of knowledge. For lifelong learners such as myself, these sources are a joy. They can also be overwhelming and at times a challenge to apply. A search for information about Lean, for example, may take you down a manufacturing route which then requires translation. Looking to learn more about Agile? Which method? Scrum, SAFe, extreme programming … you get the point. 2) The source is evolving. As an example, DevOps practitioners often pride themselves in the fact that there is no definitive body of knowledge; rather, there is an evolving col

ITIL® 4 – High Velocity IT (HVIT)

There are high performing organizations in the world that are exceeding speed to value, safety, and reliability expectations and they are provisioning co-created services fast .  Not there?! That is ok, you are not alone. I think that we all agree that we must at least be on that journey. Service providers should be capable of generating and sustaining relentless improvement with high velocity for the conversion of demand to consumer value. The ITIL 4 High Velocity IT (HVIT) certification  course explores the ways in which digital organizations function in high-velocity environments. We must move fast, and we have to do the right things fast. Velocity not only refers to speed but also to direction! Understanding these operating models helps practitioners, leaders, and organizations to improve and succeed. The ITIL 4  High Velocity IT   module and certification course  incorporate known and working practices  that focus on the rapid delivery of products and services  such as Ag

ITIL® 4 - Drive Stakeholder Value (DSV)

Think slow and hard about that statement; Drive Stakeholder Value ! Sometimes we see and use terminology so much that the power of the statement gets lost. This is one we must hear and ignite if we have any hope of meeting the evolving door of consumer requirements.  The Drive Stakeholder Value (DSV) certification course is available within the ITIL 4 Managing Professional stream of certification.  Therefore, DSV is also a module and one of the focus areas in the Managing Professional Transition (MPT) class.  Confused? Take a look at this graphic : ITIL 4 Managing Professional Transition  is a course that provides ITIL Experts or those that have at least 17 ITIL v3 credits a fast-track way to obtain the ITIL Managing Professional certification. This course excerpts key concepts from ITIL 4 Foundation and from each of the four Managing Professional modules. The Managing Professional stream of certification courses targets IT practitioners working within technolo