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Showing posts with the label Process Backlog

Product Backlog + Process Backlog = Success!

Flexibility and agility are key to success and business performance.  Many Service providers have adopted Agile methods to ensure that they can meet demand for increasing changes in business requirements.  Product Backlogs are common and are generally understood; but what about Process Backlogs? Product Backlog – In the “Scrum Guide” Ken Schwaber and Jeff Sutherland describe the Product Backlog as an ordered list of everything that might be needed in the product.  It is the single source of requirements for changes to be made to the product. The Product Owner is responsible for the Product Backlog, including its content, availability, and ordering.  A Product Backlog is never complete. The earliest development of it only lays out the initially known and best-understood requirements. The Product Backlog evolves as the product and the environment in which it will be used evolves. The Product Backlog is dynamic; it constantly changes to identify what the prod...