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Showing posts with the label VerisSM

Digital Transformation - What Is It?

Customers are empowered and connected. To stay relevant many organizations are asking “how can we evolve with the digital era?” To lead the change, we must understand it.  It is likely that in the next one to five years your organization will focus on digital transformation in three or more of these areas: Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Defined as the study of " intelligent agents " on any device that perceives or learns its environment and takes actions toward success at a specified goal. The Internet of Things (IoT) The IoT refers to the connection of devices (other than typical computers and smartphones) to the Internet. Today things like cars, kitchen appliances, and even heart monitors can all be connected through the IoT. Who would have known that we might need to add items such as drones to an asset registery and learn how to manage them? And as the IoT grows in the next few years, more devices are and will continue to join that list. (Editor'...